Finding Faith at
Brighton Beach Church

Discover your faith and experience life transformation

Understand what being part of a church really means.

Are you new and just discovering your faith? Or have you sought to know God for a while, but have never really understood the purpose of church and reading the bible?

At Brighton Beach Church our Discovering Faith Programs are the perfect place to learn, discover and ask questions in a loving, judgement-free setting that will help you grow in your faith and understanding.

Be supported in the journey of finding faith

It’s not about simply learning the bible, but finally experiencing the life-transforming power that comes with walking in relationship with your creator and being connected with a family of believers who can help you grapple with the hard questions and circumstances that pop up in life. It’s about journeying together for the long haul and rediscovering your purpose in life.


Are you searching for purpose and meaning in life? Come and get your questions answered, no strings attached.

No matter how familiar you are with faith or church, the Alpha course is about answering all the questions you may naturally have, like “who is Jesus?”, or “how can I have faith?” Come and explore the answers to those questions together – with some guidance, but without being told what to believe.

Types of topics we cover in each Alpha series:

  1. Who is Jesus, and why did he die?
  2. How can we have faith in Jesus?
  3. Why and how should we pray?
  4. Why and how should we read the Bible?
  5. Who is the Holy Spirit, and what does he do?

Alpha runs on a regular basis at Brighton Beach Church, for around eight weeks.
Want to know when our next Alpha course starts?


Do you struggle with understanding the bible or applying biblical truths to your life today? Get connected with a Bible Discovery Group.

Whether you are just “interested” in faith, or have been reading the Bible your whole life, Discovery groups are small gatherings of 2-5 people that meet regularly to study the Bible together.

Spending around an hour together, in person or online, the group reads a passage from the Bible – whether a chapter, section or just a few verses – then looks at what they have read through the lens of three straight-forward questions:

  1. What does this tell us about God?
  2. What does it tell us about people?
  3. What should I do with what I have learned?

If you would like to join a Discovery Group, reach out and we can help find a time and location that suits you.


Are you a new member of the church? Come and discover how you can go deeper in your faith and experience the depth of life transformation that is possible through connection with God.

“Deep and Wide” is a discipleship foundations course that takes new believers and new members of our church through key areas of faith that we believe are central to helping you develop a healthy Christian life.

The topics covered include:

  1. Who God is
  2. Making a new start through water baptism
  3. Being empowered through the Holy Spirit
  4. Growing spiritually through the Word of God and Prayer
  5. Becoming part of a New Testament church
  6. What spiritual warfare is
  7. Tithes, Offerings, and giving, and using our God-given gifts
  8. Evangelism (how we share our faith).

These sessions run regularly throughout the year and are ideal for anyone wishing to make Brighton Beach Church their home church

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